
Moderator locations

MelitaMilner is a moderator for the following locations:

Kama  |  Lower Molonglo  |  Molonglo River Reserve

Page 1 of 1 - image sightings only

Helicarion cuvieri (A Semi-slug) at QPRC LGA - 27 Feb 2024 by MelitaMilner
Lomatia myricoides (River Lomatia) at QPRC LGA - 20 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Mitrasacme serpyllifolia (Thyme Mitrewort) at QPRC LGA - 13 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Melicytus angustifolius subsp. divaricatus (Divaricate Tree Violet) at Gunningrah, NSW - 12 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Paropsis atomaria (Eucalyptus leaf beetle) at Gunningrah, NSW - 12 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Cullen tenax (Tough Scurf-Pea) at Gunningrah, NSW - 12 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Gunningrah, NSW - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Brachyscome dentata (Lobe-Seed Daisy) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Crepis capillaris (Smooth Hawksbeard) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Atriplex semibaccata (Creeping Saltbush) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Cynoglossum australe (Australian Forget-me-not) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Crepis capillaris (Smooth Hawksbeard) at Black Flat at Corrowong - 11 Dec 2023 by MelitaMilner
Einadia trigonos (Fishweed) at QPRC LGA - 22 Nov 2023 by MelitaMilner
Swainsona sericea (Silky Swainson-Pea) at Colinton, NSW - 17 Oct 2023 by MelitaMilner
Nicodamidae (family) (Red and Black Spider) at QPRC LGA - 17 Oct 2023 by MelitaMilner
Austrocortinarius australiensis at Northangera, NSW - 10 May 2023 by MelitaMilner
Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) at Northangera, NSW - 9 Mar 2022 by MelitaMilner
Doratifera quadriguttata (Four-spotted Cup Moth) at Northangera, NSW - 9 Mar 2022 by MelitaMilner
Cyperus lucidus (Leafy Flat Sedge) at Northangera, NSW - 24 Feb 2022 by MelitaMilner
Adversaeschna brevistyla (Blue-spotted Hawker) at Northangera, NSW - 17 Feb 2022 by MelitaMilner
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at Northangera, NSW - 9 Feb 2022 by MelitaMilner
Centella asiatica (Pennywort, Centella, Indian Pennywort) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Hypoxis hygrometrica var. hygrometrica (Golden Weather-grass) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Isolepis sp. (Club-rush) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Caesia parviflora (Pale Grass-lily) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Hemarthria uncinata (Matgrass) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Microtis unifolia (Common Onion Orchid) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Persoonia chamaepeuce (Dwarf Geebung) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Rytidosperma pallidum (Red-anther Wallaby Grass) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Harmonia conformis (Common Spotted Ladybird) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 16 Jan 2022 by MelitaMilner
Nyctemera amicus (Senecio Moth, Magpie Moth, Cineraria Moth) at Monga, NSW - 16 Nov 2021 by MelitaMilner
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 22 Apr 2021 by MelitaMilner
Bursaria spinosa (Native Blackthorn, Sweet Bursaria) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 22 Apr 2021 by MelitaMilner
Coronidium sp. at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Pterostylis furva (Swarthy Tiny Greenhood) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Corunastylis ostrina at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Monotoca scoparia (Broom Heath) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Corunastylis oligantha (Mongarlowe Midge Orchid) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Amperea xiphoclada (Broom Spurge) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Eriochilus cucullatus (Parson's Bands) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Corunastylis ostrina at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Lobelia sp. Mittagong (Lobelia sp. Mittagong) at Bombay, NSW - 19 Jan 2021 by MelitaMilner
Lindsaea linearis (Screw Fern) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Lobelia pedunculata (Matted Pratia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Dipodium roseum (Rosy Hyacinth Orchid) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Hakea microcarpa (Small-fruit Hakea) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Leptospermum arachnoides (Spidery Tea-tree) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Leptospermum obovatum (River Tea Tree) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Viola sp. (Violet) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Comesperma ericinum (Heath Milkwort) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Cassinia aculeata subsp. aculeata (Dolly Bush, Common Cassinia, Dogwood) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Comesperma sphaerocarpum (Broom Milkwort) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Lomatia ilicifolia (Holly Lomatia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Grevillea juniperina subsp. villosa at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Grevillea juniperina (Grevillea) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Velleia montana (Mountain Velleia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 12 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Stackhousia viminea (Slender Stackhousia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Persoonia chamaepeuce (Dwarf Geebung) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Isopogon prostratus (Prostrate Cone-bush) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Corunastylis sp. (A Midge Orchid) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Corunastylis densa at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Rhytidosporum procumbens (White Marianth) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Persoonia subvelutina at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Hakea dactyloides (Finger Hakea) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Microtis parviflora (Slender Onion Orchid) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Mitrasacme polymorpha (Varied Mitrewort) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Poranthera microphylla (Small Poranthera) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Coronidium waddelliae (Branched Everlasting) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Laxmannia gracilis (Slender Wire Lily) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Gonocarpus tetragynus (Common Raspwort) at Budawang, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Thysanotus tuberosus subsp. tuberosus (Common Fringe-lily) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Gompholobium minus (Dwarf Wedge Pea) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Stylidium sp. (Trigger Plant) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Goodenia bellidifolia subsp. bellidifolia (Daisy Goodenia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Boronia nana var. hyssopifolia at Mongarlowe, NSW - 11 Dec 2020 by MelitaMilner
Lagenophora sublyrata (Slender Bottle-daisy) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 26 Nov 2020 by MelitaMilner
Mirbelia platylobioides (Large-flowered Mirbelia) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 25 Nov 2020 by MelitaMilner
Coronidium oxylepis subsp. lanatum (Woolly Pointed Everlasting) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 25 Nov 2020 by MelitaMilner
Dampiera stricta (Blue Dampiera) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 25 Nov 2020 by MelitaMilner
Zornia dyctiocarpa var. dyctiocarpa (Zornia) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 23 Nov 2017 by MelitaMilner
Perunga ochracea (Perunga grasshopper, Cross-dressing Grasshopper) at Gungahlin, ACT - 13 Nov 2017 by MelitaMilner
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Watson, ACT - 10 Oct 2017 by MelitaMilner
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Watson, ACT - 10 Oct 2017 by MelitaMilner
2,167,411 sightings of 20,606 species in 6,812 locations from 11,966 contributors
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