Leafy Flat Sedge is common along the east coast of Australia, but is close to its in-land limit in the ACT, where there have been less than five recent records and the total know population is less than 100 plants. It is supected that it is more common in the ACT region than the record suggests and the special conservation attention it currently receives could be better directed to other truely rare species. We woudl appreciate your help in clarfying its abundnace in the ACT.
It's stems are solid, triangular in cross-section and grow to 1.3 m. The leaves, which all grow from the base of the stem to about 1 m in length, are thick and glossy. The flowers, which individually are inconspicuous, form an attractive umbrella-like head which is bright red when young, turning red-brown as it matures. The fruit is a small, dark, angular nut.
Cyperus lucidus is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast