Unidentified Uncategorised Fungi
Leucoagaricus sp.
Conocybe sp.
Unidentified Cap on a stem; gills below cap [mushrooms or mushroom-like]
Cortinarius sp.
zzz puzzles on wood
Unidentified Fungus
Dacrymyces sp.
Unidentified Shelf-like to hoof-like & usually on wood
Trametes sp.
Unidentified Polypore - Non-fleshy texture, stem central or lateral
Piptoporus australiensis
Unidentified Puffball & the like
Unidentified Other fungi on wood
Coltriciella tasmanica
Marasmiellus candidus
Marasmius oreades
Oudemansiella 'radicata group'
Gymnopilus ferruginosus
Amanita farinacea
zz agaric (stem; gills white/cream)
Unidentified Clubs/stalks on wood or on leaf/twig litter
Unidentified Other fungus
Fungal gall of Exocarpus sp.
Unidentified Other non-black fungi
Chromelosporium/Ostracoderma sp.
Unidentified Fungal galls, other rusts, leaf spots, etc
Uromycladium sp.
Leaf spot fungus
Omphalotus nidiformis
zz Polypore (shelf/hoof-like)
Gymnopilus sp.
Cortinarius sinapicolor
Calocera sp.
Unidentified Coralloid fungus, markedly branched
Unidentified Pored or somewhat maze-like on underside [bracket polypores]
Mycena sp.
Clavulina cinerea
Clavulina vinaceocervina
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