Unidentified Cap on a stem; gills below cap [mushrooms or mushroom-like]
Unidentified Fungus
Xylobolus illudens
Unidentified Cap, gills below, no stem & usually on wood [stemless mushrooms & the like]
Psilocybe sp.
Lactarius s.l.
Pluteus cervinus
Hypholoma sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Mycena sp. (genus)
Clitocybe s. l.
Gymnopilus sp.
Unidentified Shelf-like to hoof-like & usually on wood
Marasmius oreades
Mycena sp. ‘grey or grey-brown caps’
Unidentified Club or stalk (maybe a forked or broader apex)
Unidentified Disk-like to cup-like
Agaricus sp.
Unidentified Other fungi on wood
Unidentified Clubs/stalks on wood or on leaf/twig litter
Coniophora sp.
Singerocybe clitocyboides
Unidentified Not moulds
Puccinia malvacearum
Unidentified Other fungus
Collybia s.l.
Postia pelliculosa
Phylloporus sp.
Amanita sp.
Deconica horizontalis
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