Gang Gang at Yass River sightings


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Sminthopsis murina (Common Dunnart) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Apr 2024 by SueMcIntyre
Oudemansiella gigaspora group (Rooting Shank) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 10 Apr 2024 by SueMcIntyre
Evaniidae (family) (Hatchet wasp) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 24 Jan 2024 by JonLewis
Scutiphora pedicellata (Metallic Jewel Bug) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 20 Jan 2024 by JonLewis
Spiranthes australis (Austral Ladies Tresses) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Jan 2024 by SueMcIntyre
Leontodon saxatilis (Lesser Hawkbit, Hairy Hawkbit) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Jan 2024 by SueMcIntyre
Suhpalacsa sp. (genus) (Owlfly) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Nov 2023 by JonLewis
Maratus pavonis (Dunn's peacock spider) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 6 Nov 2023 by JonLewis
Senecio minimus (Shrubby Fireweed) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 6 Nov 2023 by JonLewis
Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Oct 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Perunga ochracea (Perunga grasshopper, Cross-dressing Grasshopper) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Oct 2023 by JonLewis
Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) lanarium (Halictid bee) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Oct 2023 by JonLewis
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Eastern Blue-tongue) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 9 Oct 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Unidentified Other Arthropod at Gang Gang at Yass River - 30 Sep 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Leperina lacera (Trogossitid beetle) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Sep 2023 by JonLewis
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Mar 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 26 Jan 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Podargus strigoides (Tawny Frogmouth) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 26 Jan 2023 by SueMcIntyre
Pinara cana (Neat Pinara) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 2 Oct 2022 by JonLewis
Idiopidae (family) (Armoured or Spiny Trapdoor Spider) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 30 May 2022 by JonLewis
Dalodesmidae (family) (Dalodesmid flat-backed millipede) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 28 Apr 2022 by JonLewis
Perunga ochracea (Perunga grasshopper, Cross-dressing Grasshopper) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Dec 2021 by JonLewis
Pultenaea spinosa (Spiny Bush-pea, Grey Bush-pea) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 20 Oct 2021 by SueMcIntyre
Brachyscome diversifolia var. diversifolia (Large-headed Daisy) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Oct 2021 by SueMcIntyre
Apina callisto (Pasture Day Moth) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Sep 2021 by JonLewis
Zonitoides arboreus (Orchid Snail) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Sep 2021 by JonLewis
Lobelia gibbosa (Tall Lobelia) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Jan 2021 by SueMcIntyre
Delma inornata (Olive Legless-lizard) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 16 Jan 2021 by JonLewis
Pentatomoidea (superfamily) (Unidentified Shield or Stink bug) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Dec 2020 by JonLewis
Caleana minor (Small Duck Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 4 Nov 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 2 Nov 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Microtis unifolia (Common Onion Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 1 Nov 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Thelymitra carnea (Tiny Sun Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 11 Oct 2020 by Sue McIntyre
Drosera auriculata (Tall Sundew) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Oct 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Cortinarius austrovenetus (Green Skinhead) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 24 May 2020 by Sue McIntyre
Centaurium erythraea (Common Centaury) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 22 Apr 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Apr 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Ethmostigmus rubripes (Giant centipede) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 23 Mar 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Anthela canescens (Anthelid moth) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Mar 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Hypoxis hygrometrica var. villosisepala (Golden Weather-grass) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 10 Mar 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Scutigeridae (family) (A scutigerid centipede) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 18 Feb 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Crinia sp. (genus) (A froglet) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Feb 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Diplodactylus vittatus (Eastern Stone Gecko) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Feb 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Jan 2020 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 16 Dec 2019 by SueMcIntyre
Acacia verniciflua (Varnish Wattle) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Sep 2019 by SueMcIntyre
Tiliqua rugosa (Shingleback Lizard) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 22 Sep 2019 by SueMcIntyre
Hemiergis talbingoensis (Three-toed Skink) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 25 May 2019 by SueMcIntyre
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Mar 2019 by SueMcIntyre
Eurystomus orientalis (Dollarbird) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 28 Jan 2019 by Sue McIntyre
Apricia jovialis (Jovial jumping spider) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 31 Dec 2018 by JonLewis
Acantholophus echinatus (Spiny ground weevil) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 Dec 2018 by JonLewis
Coronidium gunnianum (Gunn's Everlasting) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 8 Apr 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Chloris truncata (Windmill Grass) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Apr 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Jersey Cudweed) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Apr 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Goodenia hederacea (Ivy Goodenia) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Apr 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Apr 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Ctenotus robustus (Robust Striped-skink) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 3 Feb 2018 by SueMcIntyre
Hovea heterophylla (Common Hovea) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 31 Aug 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia (Box-leaf Wattle) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Aug 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Acacia gunnii (Ploughshare Wattle) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Aug 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 17 May 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Corunastylis cornuta (Horned Midge Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 12 May 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser Long-eared Bat) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 23 Apr 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Centipeda elatinoides (Prostrate Sneezeweed) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 13 Apr 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Eriochilus cucullatus (Parson's Bands) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Mar 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Dipodium roseum (Rosy Hyacinth Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 10 Jan 2017 by SueMcIntyre
Caleana minor (Small Duck Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 20 Nov 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Hymenochilus bicolor (Black-tip Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 27 Oct 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Diuris amabilis (Large Golden Moth) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 17 Oct 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Diuris pardina (Leopard Doubletail) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 4 Oct 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Montia fontana (Water Blinks) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 21 Sep 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Lialis burtonis (Burton's Snake-lizard) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 8 Feb 2016 by SueMcIntyre
Caladenia fuscata (Dusky Fingers) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 27 Sep 2015 by SueMcIntyre
Lobelia dentata/gibbosa (Lobelia dentata or gibbosa) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 21 Jan 2015 by SueMcIntyre
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 13 Sep 2014 by SueMcIntyre
Gompholobium minus (Dwarf Wedge Pea) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 13 Nov 2013 by SueMcIntyre
Thelymitra megcalyptra (Swollen Sun Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 21 Oct 2013 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 20 Jan 2013 by SueMcIntyre
Diplodium truncatum (Little Dumpies, Brittle Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 2 Apr 2012 by SueMcIntyre
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 24 Oct 2010 by SueMcIntyre
Pterostylis pedunculata (Maroonhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 11 Sep 2010 by SueMcIntyre
Speculantha rubescens (Blushing Tiny Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 19 Apr 2009 by SueMcIntyre
Pterostylis nutans (Nodding Greenhood) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Aug 2008 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 9 Mar 2008 by SueMcIntyre
Lialis burtonis (Burton's Snake-lizard) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 21 Oct 2007 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 23 Sep 2007 by SueMcIntyre
Caladenia ustulata (Brown Caps) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 23 Sep 2007 by SueMcIntyre
Parasuta dwyeri (Dwyer's Black-headed Snake) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 5 Nov 2006 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 5 Mar 2006 by SueMcIntyre
Varanus varius (Lace Monitor) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 4 Dec 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Boronia nana var. hyssopifolia at Gang Gang at Yass River - 6 Nov 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Gompholobium huegelii (Pale Wedge Pea) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 5 Nov 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Calochilus platychilus (Purple Beard Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Thelymitra carnea x megcalyptra at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Microtis parviflora (Slender Onion Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Thelymitra peniculata (Blue Star Sun-orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 29 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Cheilanthes sieberi (Rock Fern) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 15 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre
Glossodia major (Wax Lip Orchid) at Gang Gang at Yass River - 7 Oct 2005 by SueMcIntyre

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