Field Guide to Native Plants of Red Hill Nature Reserve

Posted by Tapirlord

A personal research project into the botantical diversity of Red Hill Nature reserve. This is a reserve that in my view in highly underrated, and as such it has been very rewarding to explore and present a fraction of true diversity of this space. All entries are supported by photographic vouchers, identified by myself in the field. However, this is by no means a comprehensive survey, rather it is only species that i have encountered during my travels in the reserve. 

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Sorghum leiocladum (Wild Sorghum) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Cyperus lhotskyanus (A Sedge) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at GG129 - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Digitaria brownii (Cotton Panic Grass) at GG129 - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Hibbertia calycina (Lesser Guinea-flower) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Euchiton involucratus (Star Cudweed) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Mentha diemenica (Wild Mint, Slender Mint) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Rytidosperma pallidum (Red-anther Wallaby Grass) at Garran, ACT - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Senecio prenanthoides (Common Forest Fireweed) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Acaena echinata (Sheeps Burr) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Galium gaudichaudii subsp. gaudichaudii (Rough Bedstraw) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Pimelea curviflora var. sericea (Curved Riceflower) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 6 Feb 2024 by Tapirlord
Callitris endlicheri (Black Cypress Pine) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 17 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Exocarpos strictus (Dwarf Cherry) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 17 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Rytidosperma fulvum (Wallaby Grass) at Garran, ACT - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Juncus remotiflorus (Diffuse Rush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at GG144 - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Sporobolus creber (Slender Rat's Tail Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea (Wattle Matrush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Rytidosperma duttonianum (Brown-back Wallaby Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Hakea decurrens subsp. decurrens (Bushy Needlewood) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Amyema pendula subsp. pendula (Drooping Mistletoe) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Acacia melanoxylon (Blackwood) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia multicaulis (Tadgell's Bluebell) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Alternanthera sp. A Flora of NSW (M. Gray 5187) J. Palmer at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Cymbopogon refractus (Barbed-wire Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Enneapogon nigricans (Nine-awn Grass, Bottlewashers) at Garran, ACT - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Astroloma humifusum (Cranberry Heath) at Garran, ACT - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Acacia parramattensis (Parramatta Green Wattle) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Goodenia hederacea subsp. hederacea (Ivy Goodenia, Forest Goodenia) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Gaudium brevipes (Grey Tea-tree) at Garran, ACT - 15 Jan 2024 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus nortonii (Mealy Bundy) at Garran, ACT - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Solanum linearifolium (Kangaroo Apple) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Austrostipa densiflora (Foxtail Speargrass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Honey Reed) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dichondra repens (Kidney Weed) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Muellerina eucalyptoides (Creeping Mistletoe) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Haloragis heterophylla (Variable Raspwort) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Eragrostis brownii (Common Love Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Hypericum gramineum (Small St Johns Wort) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Daviesia mimosoides subsp. mimosoides at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia stricta subsp. stricta (Tall Bluebell) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Scutellaria humilis (Dwarf Skullcap) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Cheilanthes distans (Bristly Cloak Fern) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Pellaea calidirupium (Hot Rock Fern) at Red Hill, ACT - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Oxalis thompsoniae (Fluffy-fruit Wood-sorrel) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Rubus parvifolius (Native Raspberry) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Rytidosperma laeve (Bare-backed Wallaby Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Cassinia sifton (Sifton Bush, Chinese Shrub) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Goodenia pinnatifida (Scrambled Eggs) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Euchiton japonicus (Creeping Cudweed) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Lotus australis (Austral Trefoil) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Wahlenbergia luteola (Yellowish Bluebell) at Red Hill, ACT - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Brachychiton populneus subsp. populneus (Kurrajong) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dipodium punctatum (Blotched Hyacinth Orchid) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dianella revoluta var. revoluta (Black-Anther Flax Lily) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Lepidosperma laterale (Variable Sword Sedge) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Allocasuarina verticillata (Drooping Sheoak) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Austrostipa scabra subsp. scabra (Rough Spear-grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dianella sp. aff. longifolia (Benambra) (Pale Flax Lily, Blue Flax Lily) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Rutidosis leptorhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Indigofera adesmiifolia (Tick Indigo) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Schoenus apogon (Common Bog Sedge) at GG205 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dichanthium sericeum (Queensland Blue-grass) at Deakin, ACT - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Pimelea linifolia subsp. caesia (Slender Rice Flower) at GG205 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Gynatrix pulchella (Hemp Bush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Clematis leptophylla (Small-leaf Clematis, Old Man's Beard) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Juncus filicaulis (Thread Rush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Acacia rubida (Red-stemmed Wattle, Red-leaved Wattle) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Grevillea juniperina subsp. fortis (Grevillea) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Brittle Gum) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Geranium sp. Pleated sepals (D.E.Albrecht 4707) Vic. Herbarium at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus bridgesiana (Apple Box) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Juncus vaginatus (Clustered Rush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Epilobium hirtigerum (Hairy Willowherb) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Geranium retrorsum (Grassland Cranesbill) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Juncus homalocaulis (A Rush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Epilobium billardiereanum subsp. cinereum (Hairy Willow Herb) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Cyperus sanguinolentus (A Sedge) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Lythrum hyssopifolia (Small Loosestrife) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Juncus sarophorus (Broom Rush) at GG46 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at GG46 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (Hop Bush) at GG46 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Lomandra bracteata (Small Matrush) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Exocarpos cupressiformis (Cherry Ballart) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Cassinia aculeata subsp. aculeata (Dolly Bush, Common Cassinia, Dogwood) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Gonocarpus tetragynus (Common Raspwort) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Cryptandra amara (Bitter Cryptandra) at GG201 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Acacia implexa (Hickory Wattle, Lightwood) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Poa sieberiana var. sieberiana (Snowgrass) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Amyema miquelii (Box Mistletoe) at GG139 - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord
Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemos (Red Box) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Dec 2023 by Tapirlord

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