
Long-standing career as a Parks Ranger & Biosecurity Program Manager with the ACT Parks & Conservation Service. Also worked as a bush regenerator, horticulturist and research officer with local and Federal government. Main citizen science interests are Eucalypts and environmental weeds.

Moderator categories

Steve818 is a moderator for the following categories:

Plants  |  Climbers & Mistletoes Daisies Grasses Gum Trees Gum Trees Lilies & Irises Other Fresh Water Plants Other Shrubs Other Trees Other Wildflowers & Herbs Peas Wattles

Page 4 of 6 - image sightings only

Cortaderia jubata (Pink Pampas Grass) at QPRC LGA - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. goniocalyx (Long-leaved Box) at QPRC LGA - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Central Molonglo - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Central Molonglo - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Schoenoplectus validus (River Club-rush) at Central Molonglo - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Schoenoplectus validus (River Club-rush) at Central Molonglo - 15 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Poa labillardierei (Common Tussock Grass, River Tussock Grass) at Googong Foreshore - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus stellulata (Black Sally) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Ottelia ovalifolia subsp. ovalifolia (Swamp Lily) at Googong Foreshore - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla (Australian Blackthorn) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus nortonii (Mealy Bundy) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus nortonii (Mealy Bundy) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Googong Foreshore - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eragrostis brownii (Common Love Grass) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at QPRC LGA - 12 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Billardiera heterophylla (Western Australian Bluebell Creeper) at Black Mountain - 11 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) at Black Mountain - 11 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Kenny, ACT - 10 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Phytolacca octandra (Inkweed) at Kenny, ACT - 10 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Oenothera lindheimeri (Clockweed) at Aranda, ACT - 10 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Nerium oleander (Oleander) at Aranda, ACT - 9 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Rubus fruticosus sp. aggregate (Blackberry) at Curtin, ACT - 9 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Rubus fruticosus sp. aggregate (Blackberry) at Deakin, ACT - 9 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Garran, ACT - 9 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Cenchrus macrourus (African Feather Grass) at Denman Prospect, ACT - 8 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Alligator Weed) at Lake Burley Griffin West - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Miscanthus sinensis (Chinese Fairy Grass) at Australian National University - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Cenchrus longisetus (Feathertop Grass) at Lake Burley Griffin West - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Brittle Gum) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Sporobolus creber (Slender Rat's Tail Grass) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla (Australian Blackthorn) at Mount Ainslie - 3 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Eucalyptus bicostata (Southern Blue Gum, Eurabbie) at Yarralumla, ACT - 2 Jan 2024 by Steve818
Grevillea juniperina subsp. fortis (Grevillea) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 31 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus blakelyi (Blakely's Red Gum) at Kingston, ACT - 30 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus dives (Broad-leaved Peppermint) at Namadgi National Park - 21 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. triplex (Blue Gum Hill Argyle Apple) at Namadgi National Park - 21 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus stellulata (Black Sally) at Namadgi National Park - 21 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus rubida subsp. rubida (Candlebark) at Booth, ACT - 21 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain - 20 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain - 20 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Campbell Park Woodland - 20 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Nymphaea alba (Waterlily) at City Renewal Authority Area - 20 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus dives (Broad-leaved Peppermint) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Tiliqua nigrolutea (Blotched Blue-tongue) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Lomatia myricoides (River Lomatia) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Scirpus polystachyus (Large-head Club-rush) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Echinopogon ovatus (Forest Hedgehog Grass) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Namadgi National Park - 15 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Namadgi National Park - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus viminalis (Ribbon Gum) at Namadgi National Park - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Poa helmsii (Broad-leaved Snow Grass) at Namadgi National Park - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Intellagama lesueurii howittii (Gippsland Water Dragon) at Namadgi National Park - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney Blue Gum) at Australian National University - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Pontederia cordata (Pickerel Weed) at Acton, ACT - 14 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Albizia julibrissin (Persian Silk Tree) at Aranda, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Angophora costata subsp. costata (Rusty Gum) at Acton, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Phyllotocus macleayi (Nectar scarab) at Acton, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Phyllotocus macleayi (Nectar scarab) at Acton, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Phyllotocus navicularis (Nectar scarab) at Acton, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Kambah, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Grevillea juniperina (Grevillea) at Point Hut to Tharwa - 12 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Point Hut to Tharwa - 12 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. goniocalyx (Long-leaved Box) at Gordon, ACT - 12 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus michaeliana (Hillgrove Gum) at Yarralumla, ACT - 12 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Rutidosis leptorhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) at Blue Gum Point to Attunga Bay - 12 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Oxalis incarnata (Pale Wood-sorrel) at Yarralumla, ACT - 11 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus caesia (Silver Princess) at Yarralumla, ACT - 11 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Lake Burley Griffin West - 11 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus crebra (Narrow-leaved Red Ironbark) at Mawson, ACT - 5 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Pogona barbata at Deakin, ACT - 5 Dec 2023 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Curtin, ACT - 30 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Cassinia longifolia (Shiny Cassinia, Cauliflower Bush) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Rutidosis leptorhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Rutidosis leptorhynchoides (Button Wrinklewort) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 29 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Yarralumla, ACT - 28 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Sagittaria platyphylla (Sagittaria) at Parkes, ACT - 28 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Angophora floribunda (Apple, Rough-barked Apple) at Australian National University - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus serraensis subsp. verrucata (Mount Abrupt Stringybark) at Australian National University - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus albens (White Box) at Kenny, ACT - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Watson Woodlands - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Mount Majura - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Braddon, ACT - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Mount Ainslie - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Mount Ainslie - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Nassella trichotoma (Serrated Tussock) at Mount Ainslie - 27 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus bicostata (Southern Blue Gum, Eurabbie) at Reid, ACT - 26 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus bicostata (Southern Blue Gum, Eurabbie) at Griffith, ACT - 25 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. sideroxylon (Mugga Ironbark or Red Ironbark) at Weston, ACT - 23 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemos (Red Box) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 23 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eragrostis curvula (African Lovegrass) at Weston, ACT - 23 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus nortonii (Mealy Bundy) at Farrer, ACT - 23 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Corymbia sp. (A Bloodgum) at Canberra Central, ACT - 22 Nov 2023 by Steve818
Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera (Brittle Gum) at Deakin, ACT - 22 Nov 2023 by Steve818

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2,176,610 sightings of 20,666 species in 7,209 locations from 12,219 contributors
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