Brown-striped Frog, also known as Striped Marsh Frog, is a large wetland-dwelling frog and ferocious hunter. This frog eats almost any animal smaller than itself, including small frogs.
Current conservation status: Uncommon in ACT. Found in localised pockets, mostly in northern ACT.
Family: Myobatrachidae
Appearance: This species resembles Limnodynastis tasmaniensis, but can be distinguished by the pattern of dark and light-brown stripes on the back. It has a slightly raised pale stripe running along the upper jaw edge from the snout, and below the eyes to the forelimbs. This stripe is accentuated by the presence of a dark stripe along the side of the head that passes through the eyes.
Length: up to 70mm
Breeding: Breeding commences in late spring but most calling and breeding occurs in early summer (October to February).
Habitat: Found mainly in low-lying open country that has a good cover of perennial tussock grasses, including lowland rivers, creeks, swamps, farm dams and lakes.
Distribution: Generally uncommon in the Canberra region and very uncommon in coastal regions of NSW.
Biology: A single floating foam nest is made during egg laying. The tadpoles are dark-coloured and graze actively on the surface of submerged vegetation and detritus. They are most commonly found in and near shallow marshes and reed beds at the edges of the urban lakes and creeks. Small populations still occur in some low-lying areas that were formerly wet tussock grasslands in the region.
Call: A distinctive single "pop", "toc"or "splut" that is monotonously repeated once every few seconds. In a chorus, the calls of many individuals combine into a more rapid continuous popping or spluttering sound.
Limnodynastes peronii is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Hunter Region | New South Wales North Coast
ANBG ANU Banks Precinct ANU Daley Precinct ANU Dickson Precinct ANU Ellery Precinct ANU Garran Precinct ANU Kingsley Precinct Aranda Bushland Australian National University Banksia Street Wetland Corridor Black Flat at Corrowong Black Mountain Bruce Ponds Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Callum Brae Canberra City Farm Central Molonglo City Renewal Authority Area Commonwealth & Kings Parks Conder Community Wetlands Cooleman Ridge Coombs Ponds Crace Grasslands Dangelong Nature Reserve Dickson Wetland Dickson Wetland Corridor Dunlop Grasslands Fadden Hills Pond Farrer Ridge Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Fyshwick Sewerage Treatment Plant Gang Gang at Yass River Giralang Wetlands Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gundaroo Common Gungahlin Pond Hassett Park, Campbell Illilanga & Baroona Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Isabella Pond Jarramlee Pond Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Jerrabomberra Grassland Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kama Lake Burley Griffin Central/East Lake Ginninderra Lyneham Wetland Mawson Ponds McKellar Wetlands Mongarlowe River Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mulanggari Grasslands Mulligans Flat Namadgi National Park National Arboretum Forests Nunnock Swamp O'Connor Ridge to Gungahlin Grasslands Point Hut Pond South East Forest National Park Stranger Pond Sullivans Creek, Acton Sullivans Creek, Lyneham North Sullivans Creek, Lyneham South Sullivans Creek, O'Connor Sullivans Creek, Turner The Pinnacle The Ridgeway Reserve Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Creek to Monash Grassland Tuggeranong Homestead A.C.T. Umbagong District Park Watson Green Space West Goulburn Bushland Reserve Yerrabi PondPlaces
Amaroo, ACT Braidwood, NSW Bruce, ACT Campbell, ACT Charleys Forest, NSW Crace, ACT Dickson, ACT Fadden, ACT Gordon, ACT Goulburn, NSW Hoskinstown, NSW Hume, ACT Isaacs, ACT Kaleen, ACT Kingston, ACT Marchmont, NSW Mawson, ACT McKellar, ACT Mitchell, ACT Nicholls, ACT O'Connor, ACT O'Malley, ACT Page, ACT Queanbeyan, NSW Rose Valley, NSW Springrange, NSW Winifred, NSW