It is impossible to tell Cymbonotus lawsonianus from Cymbonotus preissianus without excellent macro photos of mature seeds.
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Central West NSW | Hume
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Ainslie volcanic grassland ANBG South Annex ANU Baldessin Precinct Aranda Bushland Australian National University Bass Gardens Park, Griffith Black Flat at Corrowong Black Mountain Block 402 Bobundara Nature Reserve Bookham Cemetery & Reserve Boro Bruce Ridge Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Bullen Range Caladenia Forest, O'Connor Callum Brae Cantor Crescent Woodland, Higgins Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park Coornartha Nature Reserve Cotter Reservoir Dananbilla Nature Reserve Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) Dryandra St Woodland Dunlop Grasslands Emu Creek Fadden Hills Pond Farrer Ridge Federal Golf Course Felltimber Creek NCR Flea Bog Flat to Emu Creek Corridor Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Fowles St. Woodland, Weston Gibraltar Pines Gigerline Nature Reserve Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Gossan Hill Goulburn Mulwaree Council Griffith Woodland Hall Cemetery Hughes Grassy Woodland Illilanga & Baroona Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Isaacs Ridge Offset Area Jerrabomberra Grassland Kama Kambah Pool Kosciuszko National Park Kowen Woodland Little Taylor Grasslands Lower Cotter Catchment Mawson Ponds McQuoids Hill Micalong Gorge Molonglo Gorge Molonglo River Reserve Mongarlowe River Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Jerrabomberra Mount Jerrabomberra QP Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mount Taylor Mt Holland Mulanggari Grasslands Mulligans Flat Mundoonen Nature Reserve Namadgi National Park National Arboretum Forests Native Dog TSR Oakey Hill Piney Ridge Point Hut Hill Point Hut to Tharwa Red Hill Nature Reserve Red Hill to Yarralumla Creek Rob Roy Range Rugosa Sth Tablelands Ecosystem Park Stony Creek Nature Reserve Sweeney's TSR Tallaganda State Forest The Pinnacle The Tops at Nurenmerenmong Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tinderry Nature Reserve Top Hut TSR Tuggeranong Hill Turallo Nature Reserve Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area Wanniassa Hill West Stromlo Wodonga Woodstock Nature ReserveSurvey points
GG38 Ginninderra Falls Mt Majura Mini Summit Point 5817Places
Ainslie, ACT Bruce, ACT Cavan, NSW Cook, ACT Denman Prospect, ACT Hawker, ACT Isaacs, ACT Kambah, ACT Lyneham, ACT O'Connor, ACT Throsby, ACT Watson, ACT Whitlam, ACT Yarralumla, ACT