
Hi. I'm Michael Bedingfield (former username michaelb). I've been exploring the natural areas around southern Tuggeranong since I moved here in 1992. I became interested in the local native plants when seeing the rich native floral diversity. Since then I've drawn many of them, joining Friends of Grasslands to share this interest. Later I began to document and photograph these plants, on Tuggeranong Hill Nature Reserve, the lower slopes of Mount Rob Roy Range, and the Murrumbidgee River Corridor. I also began photographing and drawing the local animals as well, large and small. Earlier in my life I had worked as a computer programmer and systems analyst in the Public Service. Then in 2014, Aaron Clausen and Michael Mulvaney asked me to help them in developing and administering the Canberra Nature Map website and the NatureMapr network. It has been a very rewarding experience.

Moderator locations

MichaelBedingfield is a moderator for the following locations:

Melrose  |  Old Tuggeranong TSR  |  Pine Island to Point Hut  |  Point Hut to Tharwa  |  Rob Roy Range  |  Tuggeranong Hill

Page 1 of 97 - image sightings only

Oxycanus dirempta (Variable Oxycanus) at Point Hut Pond - 30 Apr 2024 by michaelb
Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) at Gordon, ACT - 27 Mar 2024 by michaelb
Polistes (Polistes) chinensis (Asian paper wasp) at Conder, ACT - 25 Mar 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Urambi Hills - 24 Mar 2024 by michaelb
Phalaenoides glycinae (Grapevine Moth) at Conder, ACT - 14 Feb 2024 by MichaelBedingfield
Cyperus lhotskyanus (A Sedge) at Urambi Hills - 9 Feb 2024 by michaelb
Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle) at Point Hut Pond - 5 Feb 2024 by michaelb
Amata (genus) (Handmaiden Moth) at Namadgi National Park - 28 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Diplodium reflexum (Dainty Greenhood) at Namadgi National Park - 28 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Namadgi National Park - 28 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Phalaris aquatica (Phalaris, Australian Canary Grass) at Urambi Hills - 24 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Omphalotus nidiformis (Ghost Fungus) at Greenway, ACT - 20 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Euphorbia ophthalmica (Caustic Weed, Rock Spurge) at Greenway, ACT - 18 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Osphranter robustus robustus (Eastern Wallaroo) at Melrose - 14 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Polistes (Polistella) humilis (Common Paper Wasp) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 9 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Enneapogon nigricans (Nine-awn Grass, Bottlewashers) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by MichaelBedingfield
Cymbopogon refractus (Barbed-wire Grass) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by MichaelBedingfield
Glycine tabacina (Variable Glycine) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by MichaelBedingfield
Grona varians (Slender Tick-Trefoil) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Phyllotocus navicularis (Nectar scarab) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Rubus anglocandicans (Blackberry) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush Lily) at Conder, ACT - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Sanguisorba minor (Salad Burnet, Sheep's Burnet) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Eragrostis brownii (Common Love Grass) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Eragrostis trachycarpa (Rough-grain Lovegrass) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Glycine tabacina (Variable Glycine) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush Lily) at Tuggeranong Hill - 7 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Bibio imitator (Garden maggot) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 6 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Epicoma tristis (Dark Epicoma Moth) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 6 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Aeolothynnus sp. (genus) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 3 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Orthetrum caledonicum (Blue Skimmer) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 1 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Hermetia illucens (American Soldier Fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 1 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Pantydia sparsa (Noctuid Moth) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 28 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Poecilometis strigatus (Gum Tree Shield Bug) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 26 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Ecnolagria grandis (Honeybrown beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 25 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Amyema cambagei (Sheoak Mistletoe) at Gordon, ACT - 23 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Lucilia cuprina (Australian sheep blowfly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 23 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Exaireta spinigera (Garden Soldier Fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 23 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Heteropsilopus ingenuus (A long-legged fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 23 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Gminatus australis (Orange assassin bug) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 23 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Poa labillardierei (Common Tussock Grass, River Tussock Grass) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Cisticola exilis (Golden-headed Cisticola) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Lycium ferocissimum (African Boxthorn) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Glycine tabacina (Variable Glycine) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Rytidosperma carphoides (Short Wallaby Grass) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Linum marginale (Native Flax) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Sorghum leiocladum (Wild Sorghum) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Bulbine bulbosa (Golden Lily) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Hume, ACT - 18 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Mordella sp. (genus) (Pintail or tumbling flower beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 14 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Stemonitis sp. (genus) (A slime mould) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 14 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Notamacropus rufogriseus (Red-necked Wallaby) at Tharwa, ACT - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Point Hut to Tharwa - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Odontomyia opertanea (A soldier fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Ellipsidion australe (Austral Ellipsidion cockroach) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Porrostoma rhipidium (Long-nosed Lycid (Net-winged) beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Eupoecila australasiae (Fiddler Beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Gminatus australis (Orange assassin bug) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Mordella dumbrelli (Dumbrell's Pintail Beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Phyllotocus navicularis (Nectar scarab) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 12 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Diphucephala sp. (genus) (Green Scarab Beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Castiarina sexplagiata (Jewel beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Mordellidae (family) (Unidentified pintail or tumbling flower beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Hippodamia variegata (Spotted Amber Ladybird) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Syllitus microps (Longicorn or Longhorn beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Gminatus australis (Orange assassin bug) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) sp. (genus & subgenus) (Halictid bee) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 8 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) sp. (genus & subgenus) (Halictid bee) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 8 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird) at Conder, ACT - 8 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Agapophytus albobasalis (Stiletto fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 8 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Oncopera rufobrunnea (Brown Corby) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 7 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 3 Dec 2023 by michaelb
Empicoris sp. (genus) (Thread-legged assassin bug) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 30 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Ardices canescens (Dark-spotted Tiger Moth) at Conder, ACT - 29 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) at Urambi Hills - 27 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Porrostoma rhipidium (Long-nosed Lycid (Net-winged) beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 27 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Eristalinus punctulatus (Golden Native Drone Fly) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 23 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 22 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Brachychiton populneus (Kurrajong) at Conder, ACT - 22 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Barea zygophora (Concealer Moth) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 22 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Zophophilus sp. (genus) (Darkling beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 19 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Melanodes anthracitaria (Black Geometrid) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 18 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Cyclocephala signaticollis (Argentinian scarab) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 13 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Corvus coronoides (Australian Raven) at Conder, ACT - 13 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Trigonothops sp. (genus) (Bark carab beetle) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Nov 2023 by michaelb
Cyclocephala signaticollis (Argentinian scarab) at Pollinator-friendly garden Conder - 11 Nov 2023 by michaelb

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