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Rhipicera femorata
Arhodia lasiocamparia
Metoligotoma sp. (genus)
Yoyetta robertsonae
Anoplognathus montanus
Paropsisterna octosignata
Ocybadistes walkeri
Myrmecia simillima
Iridomyrmex purpureus
Thema holoxesta
Phyllotocus rufipennis
Philobota (genus)
Goniaea australasiae
Sandava xylistis
Halone coryphoea
Gastrophora henricaria
Perunga ochracea
Notius depressus
Chironomidae (family)
Unidentified True fly (Diptera)
Polistes (Polistes) chinensis
Philobota philostaura
Pterophoridae (family)
Muscidae (family)
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