Bird sightings


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Page 11 of 339 - image sightings only

Acanthiza lineata (Striated Thornbill) at QPRC LGA - 3 Jul 2024 by LyndalT
Eopsaltria australis (Eastern Yellow Robin) at QPRC LGA - 3 Jul 2024 by LyndalT
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at The Pinnacle - 3 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at The Pinnacle - 2 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Acanthiza reguloides (Buff-rumped Thornbill) at The Pinnacle - 2 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Symonston, ACT - 2 Jul 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Forrest, ACT - 1 Jul 2024 by JamesB
Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle) at Mount Pleasant - 1 Jul 2024 by davidcunninghamwildlife
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. - 1 Jul 2024 by HelenCross
Platycercus eximius (Eastern Rosella) at Narrabundah, ACT - 1 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle) at Mount Ainslie - 1 Jul 2024 by davidcunninghamwildlife
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. - 1 Jul 2024 by HelenCross
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. - 1 Jul 2024 by HelenCross
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. - 1 Jul 2024 by HelenCross
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Lawson, ACT - 1 Jul 2024 by mroseby
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Mount Painter - 1 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) at Mount Painter - 1 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Melithreptus lunatus (White-naped Honeyeater) at Mount Painter - 1 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrikethrush) at Mount Painter - 1 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Mount Painter - 1 Jul 2024 by Trevor
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Lawson, ACT - 30 Jun 2024 by mroseby
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Banksia Street Wetland Corridor - 30 Jun 2024 by Hejor1
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Banksia Street Wetland Corridor - 30 Jun 2024 by Hejor1
Spilopelia chinensis (Spotted Dove) at Lawson, ACT - 30 Jun 2024 by mroseby
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Reservoir Hill, Lawson - 30 Jun 2024 by mroseby
Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) at Lawson, ACT - 30 Jun 2024 by mroseby
Columba leucomela (White-headed Pigeon) at Wanniassa, ACT - 30 Jun 2024 by Raurky
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at QPRC LGA - 30 Jun 2024 by clarehoneydove
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at QPRC LGA - 30 Jun 2024 by clarehoneydove
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Red Hill to Yarralumla Creek - 30 Jun 2024 by MichaelMulvaney
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 30 Jun 2024 by JimL
Spatula rhynchotis (Australasian Shoveler) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 30 Jun 2024 by JimL
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 30 Jun 2024 by JimL
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 30 Jun 2024 by JimL
Burhinus grallarius (Bush Stone-curlew) at Mulligans Flat - 29 Jun 2024 by davidcunninghamwildlife
Pachycephala pectoralis (Golden Whistler) at Narrabundah, ACT - 29 Jun 2024 by RobParnell
Petroica goodenovii (Red-capped Robin) at Berridale, NSW - 29 Jun 2024 by clarehoneydove
Melanodryas cucullata cucullata (Hooded Robin) at Berridale, NSW - 29 Jun 2024 by clarehoneydove
Oriolus sagittatus (Olive-backed Oriole) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Jun 2024 by rawshorty
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Ginninderry Conservation Corridor - 28 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Hieraaetus morphnoides (Little Eagle) at QPRC LGA - 28 Jun 2024 by mcleana
Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Porphyrio melanotus (Australasian Swamphen) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Porphyrio melanotus (Australasian Swamphen) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Stizoptera bichenovii (Double-barred Finch) at Evatt, ACT - 28 Jun 2024 by Thurstan
Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) at Mulanggari Grasslands - 28 Jun 2024 by Shazw
Strepera graculina (Pied Currawong) at Fyshwick, ACT - 28 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) at Giralang, ACT - 28 Jun 2024 by wadey
Biziura lobata (Musk Duck) at Yerrabi Pond - 27 Jun 2024 by rawshorty
Corcorax melanorhamphos (White-winged Chough) at Mount Ainslie - 27 Jun 2024 by STJ
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Wanniassa, ACT - 27 Jun 2024 by AlexSantiago
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Strathnairn, ACT - 27 Jun 2024 by Thurstan
Pardalotus punctatus (Spotted Pardalote) at Russell, ACT - 27 Jun 2024 by Hejor1
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Denman Prospect 2 Estate Deferred Area (Block 12) - 26 Jun 2024 by Kurt
Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) at Australian National University - 26 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Oriolus sagittatus (Olive-backed Oriole) at Wallaroo, NSW - 26 Jun 2024 by Trevor
Coracina novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckooshrike) at Wallaroo, NSW - 26 Jun 2024 by Trevor
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Wallaroo, NSW - 26 Jun 2024 by Trevor
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Mulligans Flat - 26 Jun 2024 by TimL
Aegotheles cristatus (Australian Owlet-nightjar) at QPRC LGA - 26 Jun 2024 by Paul4K
Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) at Woodstock Nature Reserve - 26 Jun 2024 by Thurstan
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Gordon, ACT - 25 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at QPRC LGA - 25 Jun 2024 by michaela
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Gordon, ACT - 25 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Melithreptus brevirostris (Brown-headed Honeyeater) at QPRC LGA - 25 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Ardea pacifica (White-necked Heron) at Taylor, ACT - 25 Jun 2024 by Jiggy
Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) at QPRC LGA - 25 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Hall, ACT - 25 Jun 2024 by Anna123
Accipiter fasciatus (Brown Goshawk) at Rugosa - 25 Jun 2024 by SenexRugosus
Polytelis swainsonii (Superb Parrot) at Franklin, ACT - 24 Jun 2024 by chriselidie
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Reservoir Hill, Lawson - 24 Jun 2024 by TimL
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Reservoir Hill, Lawson - 24 Jun 2024 by TimL
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve - 24 Jun 2024 by davidcunninghamwildlife
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve - 24 Jun 2024 by davidcunninghamwildlife
Callocephalon fimbriatum (identifiable birds) (Gang-gang Cockatoo (named birds)) at Deakin, ACT - 24 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus (Speckled Warbler) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 24 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 24 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Petroica rosea (Rose Robin) at Red Hill Nature Reserve - 24 Jun 2024 by LisaH
Synoicus ypsilophorus (Brown Quail) at Throsby, ACT - 23 Jun 2024 by BenW
Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrikethrush) at QPRC LGA - 23 Jun 2024 by SteveBorkowskis
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at QPRC LGA - 23 Jun 2024 by SteveBorkowskis
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Isaacs, ACT - 23 Jun 2024 by Mike
Platycercus elegans (Crimson Rosella) at Point 4762 - 23 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Cormobates leucophaea (White-throated Treecreeper) at Black Mountain - 23 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Black Mountain - 23 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe) at JER530: JWs - Silt Trap North - 23 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Zapornia tabuensis (Spotless Crake) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 23 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Platycercus elegans (Crimson Rosella) at Black Mountain - 23 Jun 2024 by VanceLawrence
Falco cenchroides (Nankeen Kestrel) at Jerrabomberra Wetlands - 23 Jun 2024 by RodDeb
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Narrabundah, ACT - 23 Jun 2024 by HelenCross

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