Deliberately introduced to Australia as a control agent against thistles of the genus Onopordum, for example Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium). Larvae hollow out the capitulum (the cluster of small flowers or florets which make up the thistle flower).
Larinus latus is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Central West NSW
ANBG Central Molonglo Cotter Reserve Emu Creek Flea Bog Flat to Emu Creek Corridor Googong Foreshore Gorman Road Bush Reserve, Goulburn Goulburn Mulwaree Council Illilanga & Baroona Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Jerrabomberra Wetlands Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lower Molonglo Molonglo River Reserve Mount Ainslie Mount Jerrabomberra Mount Jerrabomberra QP Mount Majura Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Namadgi National Park Point Hut to Tharwa Red Hill Nature Reserve Rugosa Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area Woodstock Nature Reserve Yarramundi GrasslandPlaces
Belconnen, ACT Bungendore, NSW Grabben Gullen, NSW Kambah, ACT Red Hill, ACT