Elanus axillaris is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | Far West New South Wales | New South Wales North Coast | Hume | Gippsland | Barwon South West | Darling Downs | South East South Australia | South West Western Australia | Central and Barkley
Bruce Ponds Callum Brae Campbell Park Woodland Canberra City Farm Central Molonglo Cooleman Ridge Coombs Ponds Crace Grasslands Flea Bog Flat, Bruce Fyshwick Sewerage Treatment Plant Gigerline Nature Reserve Ginninderry Conservation Corridor Giralang Wetlands Googong Foreshore Googong Reservoir Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Goorooyarroo NR (NSW) Goulburn Mulwaree Council Goulburn Wetlands Gungaderra Creek Ponds Gungaderra Grasslands Harcourt Hill Holder Wetlands Illilanga & Baroona Isaacs Ridge Jarramlee-West MacGregor Grasslands Jerrabomberra Grassland Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kama Kambah Pool Lake Tuggeranong Lanyon - northern section A.C.T. Lawson North Grasslands Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lower Molonglo McKellar Wetlands McQuoids Hill Molonglo River Reserve Mount Ainslie Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Nadjung Mada NR Namarag NR National Arboretum Forests National Arboretum Woodland Oakey Hill Percival Hill Point Hut to Tharwa Queanbeyan River Red Hill Nature Reserve Reservoir Hill, Lawson Rowes Lagoon Stony Creek Sullivans Creek, Lyneham North Sutton, Bywong and Wamboin Greenways Swamp Creek Tharwa Bridge The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tuggeranong Homestead A.C.T. Umbagong District Park Uriarra Recreation Reserve Uriarra TSR Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area Wanniassa Hill West Belconnen Pond Yarramundi Grassland Yerrabi PondPlaces
Bellmount Forest, NSW Braidwood, NSW Bywong, NSW Coombs, ACT Dunlop, ACT Environa, NSW Evatt, ACT Fyshwick, ACT Gordon, ACT Hume, ACT Kambah, ACT Kenny, ACT Lawson, ACT Macnamara, ACT Melba, ACT Michelago, NSW Strathnairn, ACT Symonston, ACT Tallong, NSW Tarago, NSW Tharwa, ACT Throsby, ACT Uriarra, NSW Whitlam, ACT