Acacia ulicifolia

Prickly Moses at Watson, ACT

Acacia ulicifolia at Watson, ACT - 29 Jul 2024
Acacia ulicifolia at Watson, ACT - 29 Jul 2024
Acacia ulicifolia at Watson, ACT - 29 Jul 2024
Acacia ulicifolia at Watson, ACT - 29 Jul 2024
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Acacia ulicifolia 30 Jul 2024 waltraud

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User's notes

Characteristices: the fine stipules visible in the second photo and the narrow triangular leaves. Planted as part of the local native shrubbery to replace African boxthorn, firethorn, hawthorn, and Sweet Briar that Friends of Mt Majura (FoMM) removed from the area in an attempt to provide habitat to the little woodland birds in the area. The nature reserve east of the residential estate The Fair was the last refuge of little woodland birds on Mts Ainslie Majura's west slope. Dogs, new to the area, and many off lead and a Noisy Miner invasion led to a crash of the woodland birds, both the diversity and frequency. The impact of dogs on bird species is known (fear factor) as well as the impact of the urban dweller Noisy Miner (listed a "Threatening process" under Federal legislation). It took less than 10 years since the first residents moved into The Fair for a crash of the woodland birds to approximately 30% or less of the original populations. FoMM did all the right things as we know from the numerous nests in the first years.

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1  2 

Location information

Sighting information

  • 1 - 3 Abundance
  • 29 Jul 2024 11:22 AM Recorded on
  • waltraud Recorded by

Additional information

  • 1 metre to 5 metres Plant height
  • True In flower

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  • More than one media file
  • Verified by an expert moderator
  • Nearby sighting(s) of same species
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