Myzomela sanguinolenta | 8 Oct 2017 | ArcherCallaway | ||
Myzomela sanguinolenta | 8 Oct 2017 | AlisonMilton |
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ArcherCallaway noted:
8 Oct 2017
Excluding a one-off report of a Scarlet HE last year, this is the first year they have been seen in the ACT since 2013 when up to 4 were recorded from a number of locations around the ACT over a few months. This year, a Scarlet Honeyeater was first recorded by Kym Bradley in early September from Tharwa, followed by a record from Jerrabomberra Wetlands and the ANBG on 25 September. They have continued to be reported from ANBG, and at least 5 birds are currently present.
My flagged sightings Significant Birds Other Birds Honeyeater AlisonMilton Canberra & Southern Tablelands NatureMapr