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Ordgarius magnificus
Phonognatha graeffei
Sondra sp. (genus)
Nyssus albopunctatus
Badumna sp. (genus)
Oxyopes sp. (genus)
Opisthoncus sp. (genus)
Latrodectus hasselti
Stephanopis sp. (genus)
Theridion pyramidale
Araneus albotriangulus
Helpis minitabunda
Cryptachaea veruculata
Intruda signata
Stephanopis altifrons
Maratus griseus
Araneae (order)
Tamopsis sp. (genus)
Phonognathidae (family)
Lehtinelagia prasina
Araneus sp. (genus)
Euryopis sp. (genus)
Portacosa cinerea
Nyssus coloripes
Araneinae (subfamily)
Servaea incana
Tamopsis eucalypti
Isopedella pessleri
Theridiidae (family)
Isopeda or Isopedella sp. (genus)
Dolophones sp. (genus)
Salsa fuliginata
Deliochus idoneus
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