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Dicranolaius bellulus
Tetragnatha demissa
Fulica atra
Threskiornis molucca
Endoxyla (genus)
Ocyphaps lophotes
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
Vallisneria australis
Polytelis swainsonii
Culladia cuneiferellus
Steatoda grossa
Cryptachaea veruculata
Trigonidiidae (family)
Philoponella congregabilis
Ommatoiulus moreleti
Eucalyptus insect gall
Unidentified Other web-building spider
Eucalyptus sp.
Anthela ocellata
Unidentified Insect
Unidentified Lichen, Moss or other Bryophyte
Tachyglossus aculeatus
Tiliqua rugosa
Diuris chryseopsis
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