Ardozyga (genus)
Labdia argophracta
Ardozyga deltodes
Leptozestis crassipalpis
Unidentified Curved-horn moth (all Gelechioidea except Oecophoridae)
Hypertrophidae sp. (family)
Elachista flammula
Macrobathra desmotoma
Eupselia beatella
Leptozestis and Trachydora (genera)
Dichomeris holomela
Blastobasis (genus)
Pyroderces rileyi
Pyroderces falcatella
Cryptophasa irrorata
Macrobathra (genus)
Batrachedra (genus)
Ardozyga gypsocrana
Agriophara (genus)
Gelechiidae (family)
Gelechioidea (superfamily)
Stathmopoda crocophanes
Tymbophora peltastis
Ardozyga abruptella
Limnaecia polycydista
Blastobasis tarda
Macrobathra chrysotoxa
Phthonerodes peridela
Stathmopoda melanochra
Iulactis semifusca
Trachydora pygaea
Macrobathra bigerella
Agriophara undescribed species
Thiotricha anticentra
Elachista synethes
Gisilia thoracista
Trachydora (genus)
Limnaecia (genus)
Ardozyga eumela
Eupselia carpocapsella
Macrobathra aphristis
Doleromima hypoxantha
Macrobathra alternatella
Stathmopoda megathyma
Macrobathra baliomitra
Labdia oxysema
Eupselia holoxantha
Stathmopoda (genus)
Leptozestis sp nr harmosta
Snellenia lineata
Lichenaula arisema
Cosmopterigidae (family) undescribed species
Maroga melanostigma
Ardozyga sodalisella
Ardozyga desmatra
Scieropepla reversella
1 2 3 4 5 6 » 18
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