
Callum Brae is a family operated, heritage listed working rural property. Created in 1920, the property is the finest working example of a soldier settlement lease in the ACT. It is significant because it characterises the principles and hardships endured by servicemen after the First World War. The heritage citation not only conserves the buildings but also the rural landscape, which is deemed significant because it captures a range of historical issues over a small geographical area. Callum Brae is located in one of the largest, best connected and most diverse ecosystems in Australia. The native grassland provides habitat for endangered species such as the Striped Legless Lizard, Grassland Earless Dragon and Perunga Grasshopper. The native woodland provides habitat for threatened species such as the Button Wrinklewort, Diamond Firetail and Scarlet Robin. Work continues to ensure the unique historical and ecological significance of the property is conserved for future generations.

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Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) at Symonston, ACT - 25 Jul 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Sus scrofa (Pig (feral)) at Symonston, ACT - 14 Jul 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Symonston, ACT - 14 Jul 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Symonston, ACT - 2 Jul 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Anthus australis (Australian Pipit) at Symonston, ACT - 21 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Petroica phoenicea (Flame Robin) at Symonston, ACT - 21 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Symonston, ACT - 21 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Symonston, ACT - 20 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Platycercus eximius (Eastern Rosella) at Symonston, ACT - 20 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) at Symonston, ACT - 19 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Symonston, ACT - 16 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Agave americana (Century Plant) at Symonston, ACT - 16 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Symonston, ACT - 16 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Narrabundah, ACT - 13 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Symonston, ACT - 13 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Vinca major (Blue Periwinkle) at Narrabundah, ACT - 13 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Coracina novaehollandiae (Black-faced Cuckooshrike) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Symonston, ACT - 9 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Symonston, ACT - 9 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Wanniassa Hill - 9 Jun 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Symonston, ACT - 31 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Symonston, ACT - 31 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Petroica phoenicea (Flame Robin) at Symonston, ACT - 28 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Symonston, ACT - 28 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Symonston, ACT - 27 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Symonston, ACT - 27 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Symonston, ACT - 27 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Setaria sp. (Pigeon Grass) at Jerrabomberra Grassland - 12 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Carex appressa (Tall Sedge) at Symonston, ACT - 12 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Festuca arundinacea (Tall Fescue) at Jerrabomberra Grassland - 12 May 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) at Symonston, ACT - 17 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Exocarpos cupressiformis (Cherry Ballart) at Callum Brae - 17 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Callum Brae - 17 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Gymnopilus junonius (Spectacular Rustgill) at Callum Brae - 17 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Olea europaea (Common Olive) at Callum Brae - 17 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Teleogryllus commodus (Black Field Cricket) at Symonston, ACT - 6 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Amyema miquelii (Box Mistletoe) at Callum Brae - 6 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Nassella neesiana (Chilean Needlegrass) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Alternanthera denticulata (Lesser Joyweed) at Symonston, ACT - 4 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Chauliognathus lugubris (Plague Soldier Beetle) at Symonston, ACT - 4 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Micraspis frenata (Striped Ladybird) at Symonston, ACT - 4 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Epilobium billardiereanum subsp. cinereum (Variable Willow-herb) at Symonston, ACT - 4 Apr 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (Maiden's Gum, Blue Gum) at Symonston, ACT - 31 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Neosparassus calligaster (Beautiful Badge Huntsman) at Symonston, ACT - 29 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Persicaria lapathifolia (Pale Knotweed) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Jersey Cudweed) at Symonston, ACT - 24 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Acrida conica (Giant green slantface) at Symonston, ACT - 22 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Oedaleus australis (Australian Oedaleus) at Symonston, ACT - 20 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Epilobium sp. (A Willow Herb) at Symonston, ACT - 16 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Symonston, ACT - 16 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Zizina otis (Common Grass-Blue) at Symonston, ACT - 6 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Crypsiphona ocultaria (Red-lined Looper Moth) at Symonston, ACT - 1 Mar 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pinara divisa (Common Pinara, Lasiocampidae) at Symonston, ACT - 27 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Symonston, ACT - 25 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Dindymus versicolor (Harlequin Bug) at Symonston, ACT - 23 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Carex inversa (Knob Sedge) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy) at Symonston, ACT - 7 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Dysphania pumilio (Small Crumbweed) at Symonston, ACT - 7 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at Symonston, ACT - 3 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Bothriochloa macra (Red Grass, Red-leg Grass) at Symonston, ACT - 3 Feb 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Symonston, ACT - 27 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Symonston, ACT - 27 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Tricoryne elatior (Yellow Rush Lily) at Symonston, ACT - 27 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Epilobium billardiereanum subsp. cinereum (Variable Willow-herb) at Symonston, ACT - 26 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Senecio quadridentatus (Cotton Fireweed) at Symonston, ACT - 24 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Macrolepiota dolichaula (Macrolepiota dolichaula) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Hypericum gramineum (Small St Johns Wort) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Vittadinia gracilis (New Holland Daisy) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Glycine tabacina (Variable Glycine) at Symonston, ACT - 5 Jan 2024 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at Symonston, ACT - 31 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Symonston, ACT - 19 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Symonston, ACT - 19 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Symonston, ACT - 17 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Egernia cunninghami (Cunningham's Skink) at Symonston, ACT - 15 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Symonston, ACT - 15 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) at Symonston, ACT - 14 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Threskiornis spinicollis (Straw-necked Ibis) at Symonston, ACT - 13 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Oxalis sp. (Wood Sorrel) at Symonston, ACT - 11 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 8 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pteropus poliocephalus (Grey-headed Flying-fox) at Symonston, ACT - 1 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Eastern Blue-tongue) at Symonston, ACT - 1 Dec 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Festuca arundinacea (Tall Fescue) at Jerrabomberra Grassland - 30 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pteropus poliocephalus (Grey-headed Flying-fox) at Symonston, ACT - 29 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Symonston, ACT - 24 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Rumex brownii (Slender Dock) at Symonston, ACT - 21 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Vulpia sp. (A Squirreltail Fescue) at Symonston, ACT - 17 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Austrostipa sp. (A Corkscrew Grass) at Symonston, ACT - 17 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Anthosachne scabra (Common Wheat-grass) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 17 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) at Symonston, ACT - 12 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Unidentified Plant at Symonston, ACT - 12 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Rytidosperma sp. (Wallaby Grass) at Symonston, ACT - 12 Nov 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Trichoglossus moluccanus (Rainbow Lorikeet) at Symonston, ACT - 31 Oct 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Platycercus elegans (Crimson Rosella) at Symonston, ACT - 31 Oct 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Symonston, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by CallumBraeRuralProperty

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2,167,411 sightings of 20,606 species in 6,812 locations from 11,966 contributors
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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land and acknowledge their continuing connection to their culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.