Tetratheca bauerifolia is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | Gippsland
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Bimberi Nature Reserve Bondo State Forest Boro Brindabella National Park Coolangubra State Forest Corin Reservoir Endeavour Reserve (Bombala) Gang Gang at Yass River Gibraltar Pines Goulburn Mulwaree Council Lower Cotter Catchment Mcleods Creek Res (Gundaroo) Micalong Gorge Mongarlowe River Mundoonen Nature Reserve Namadgi National Park Rob Roy Range Rugosa South East Forest National Park Tallaganda National Park Tallaganda State Forest The Tops at Nurenmerenmong Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Tinderry Nature Reserve Wee Jasper Nature Reserve Wee Jasper State Forest Yanununbeyan National ParkPlaces
Bango, NSW Booth, ACT Brindabella, NSW Captains Flat, NSW Cotter River, ACT Gundaroo, NSW Jingera, NSW Paddys River, ACT Palerang, NSW Rendezvous Creek, ACT Taylors Flat, NSW Tharwa, ACT Tinderry, NSW Uriarra Village, ACT Wee Jasper, NSW Yarra, NSW Yass River, NSW