Echium plantagineum

Paterson's Curse at Mount Majura

Echium plantagineum at Mount Majura - 13 Mar 2024
Echium plantagineum at Mount Majura - 13 Mar 2024
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Identification history

Echium plantagineum 14 Mar 2024 waltraud

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User's notes

In grassy woodland, in a very disturbed area under Exocarpos trees; flowering; sites under trees have been hand weeded and partially sprayed in Sept 2023 as part of a trial to manage Cleavers (and other nutrient loving exotic herbs) under Exocarpos trees; Cleavers greatly reduced but a couple of very large Paterson's Curse plants with rosettes greater than 1m+ diameter as well as 100's of Black Nightshade plants. Removal of one nutrient loving species (Cleavers) benefits others of which seeds are either still present in the soil seed bank (Paterson's Curse) or which are spread by birds (Black Nightshade). Therefore site requires monitoring and follow-up treatment and perhaps assistance with broadcasting native ground cover. This particular site requires monitoring for Bridal Creeper previously treated in this area and work to control Serrated Tussock close by.

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Location information

Sighting information

  • 4 - 15 Abundance
  • 13 Mar 2024 02:51 PM Recorded on
  • waltraud Recorded by

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