Good references for local grass species:
Fact Sheets from Grasses of Australia
For example, Themeda triandra, Kangaroo Grass
And Rytidosperma, Wallaby Grasses, by species
Nassella trichotoma
Vulpia bromoides
Poa annua
Aristida ramosa
Dactylis glomerata
Vulpia sp.
Ehrharta longiflora
Nassella neesiana
Ehrharta erecta
Hordeum sp.
Eragrostis curvula
Rytidosperma pallidum
Austrostipa densiflora
Themeda triandra
Anthosachne scabra
Rytidosperma sp.
Phalaris aquatica
Austrostipa verticillata
Paspalum dilatatum
Cortaderia selloana
Poa sieberiana
Imperata cylindrica
Eragrostis brownii
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