Further reference: Atlas of Living Australia
Suspected of causing photosensitization in sheep.
Mitch Michaelmore of NSW DPI provided the following advice to an enquiry (from a person called Steve) about the weed potential of this species. "Panicum gilvum is widely spread in SE Australia....
Only an extensive survey over several years could differentiate if the plant is spreading significantly, locally infilling, or responding to the timing and volume of summer rains. We have not conducted a weed risk assessment, but would provide information if someone else wanted to do so.
In an agricultural setting, livestock managers who are concerned about P. gilvum remove stock. It is an annual, responding to seasonal rains and site competition and grazing; Steve second guessed me: “avoid degrading your grasslands or pastures”. I have not heard of anyone spraying or slashing it; dead plants may still be toxic."
Panicum gilvum is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga
Coombs Ponds Higgins WoodlandPlaces
Higgins, ACT