Common name: Striped Legless-lizard
SVL: 100mm. Total length: 300mm
Striped Legless-lizard is one of 21 species of Delma found in Australia. It varies in colour, but is typically light brown with dark brown or blackish stripes running the length of the body, although, these stripes can be pale or even absent in some individuals. The underside is generally white, cream or pinkish in colour, and the head is slightly darker than the body. Hatchlings lack the distinctive stripes of adults, but have a characteristic dark brown or black head which may be intended to deter predators by mimicking the Eastern Brown Snake.
Distribution: Found in natural temperate grassland sites which have remained undisturbed.
Delma impar is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands
Budjan Galindji (Franklin Grassland) Reserve Crace Grasslands Dalgety TSR Goulburn Mulwaree Council Gundary TSR Gungaderra Grasslands Jerrabomberra Grassland Kaleen Horse paddocks (North) Kuma Nature Reserve Lawson North Grasslands Mulanggari Grasslands Mulligans Flat Nadjung Mada NR O'Connor Ridge to Gungahlin Grasslands Percival Hill Yarramundi GrasslandPlaces
Throsby, ACT