The fruitbody is cup-like, white and up to 5 millimetres in diameter. The inner surface of the cup is smooth or slightly wrinkled and the outer surface is densely covered by very short hairs.
The fruitbodies appear on dead plant material, with the cups opening downward.
The species is widespread in Europe and is known from a few sites in the Americas and New Zealand.
There are several genera with small, white(ish), cup-like fruitbodies. A definite identification relies on the microscopic features.
Distinctive microscopic features: The surface hairs may be slightly sinuous and they end in a spherical knob. The spores are 10-15 micrometres long and somewhat resemble a very stretched out teardrop (a narrow point at one end, broadly rounded at the other).
Cellypha goldbachii is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands