Vallisneria australis

Ribbonweed, Eelweed at CHC300: Calvary Hospital Pond

Vallisneria australis at CHC300: Calvary Hospital Pond - 11 Mar 2024
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Identification history

Vallisneria australis 14 Mar 2024 JaneR
Vallisneria australis 12 Mar 2024 Tapirlord
Unidentified 11 Mar 2024 JohnGiacon

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JaneR wrote:
   11 Mar 2024
To me, this looks like a grass that ahs been flooded, rather than a water plant. But I could be wrong.
JohnGiacon wrote:
   11 Mar 2024
The water has been at this level for years. Maybe Triglochin procera.
JaneR wrote:
   11 Mar 2024
Are there any flower heads ?
JohnGiacon wrote:
   11 Mar 2024
Hi Jane, not that I photographed. There may have been some further around the pond/dam; stalks, not flowers.
Tapirlord wrote:
   12 Mar 2024
Fairly likely I think, it is common in deeper bodies of water
JaneR wrote:
   14 Mar 2024
Yes, definitely Vallisneria australis.

John, please could you check the location of this sighting ? is it meant to be the little wetland next to Calvary ? (ie on other side of Haydon Drive)
JohnGiacon wrote:
   14 Mar 2024
Hi Jane, yep, on the east of Haydon. I have moved the marker. This sort of error happens often enough; don't know what the issue is.
JaneR wrote:
   14 Mar 2024
Thank you

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Nearby sightings

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Location information

Sighting information

  • 88 Abundance
  • 11 Mar 2024 10:46 AM Recorded on
  • JohnGiacon Recorded by

Additional information

  • Less than 10cm Plant height

Species information

  • Vallisneria australis Scientific name
  • Ribbonweed, Eelweed Common name
  • Not Sensitive
  • Local native
  • Non-invasive or negligible
  • Up to 784.09m Recorded at altitude
  • Machine learning
  • In flower
  • External link More information
  • Synonyms

    Vallisneria spiralis Vallisneria gigantea Vallisneria americana

Record quality

  • Images or audio
  • More than one media file
  • Verified by an expert moderator
  • Nearby sighting(s) of same species
  • GPS evidence of location
  • Description
  • Additional attributes
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