
Posted by AaronClausen

Page 1 of 4 - image sightings only

Philobota undescribed species near arabella (A concealer moth) at Chisholm, ACT - 10 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Caligavis chrysops (Yellow-faced Honeyeater) at Richardson, ACT - 10 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus (Speckled Warbler) at Richardson, ACT - 10 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Richardson, ACT - 10 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) at Chisholm, ACT - 10 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Theodore, ACT - 3 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Platycercus eximius (Eastern Rosella) at Theodore, ACT - 3 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) at Theodore, ACT - 3 Oct 2024 by RomanSoroka
Azolla pinnata (Ferny Azolla) at Theodore, ACT - 22 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Tenagogerris euphrosyne (Water Strider) at Theodore, ACT - 22 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Dasybasis sp. (genus) (A march fly) at Theodore, ACT - 22 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Brachydeutera sydneyensis (Shore fly) at Theodore, ACT - 7 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Hemicordulia tau (Tau Emerald) at Theodore, ACT - 7 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) at Theodore, ACT - 7 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher) at Theodore, ACT - 7 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Helicoverpa (genus) at Theodore, ACT - 5 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus (Speckled Warbler) at Theodore, ACT - 2 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Theodore, ACT - 2 Sep 2024 by RomanSoroka
Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) at Theodore, ACT - 21 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Richardson, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Anax papuensis (Australian Emperor) at Theodore, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Unidentified Wolf spider (Lycosidae) at Theodore, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Theodore, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Austracris guttulosa (Spur-throated Locust) at Theodore, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Melangyna collatus (Hover fly) at Chisholm, ACT - 20 Aug 2024 by RomanSoroka
Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly Moses) at Theodore, ACT - 27 Jul 2024 by Shazw
Corcorax melanorhamphos (White-winged Chough) at Theodore, ACT - 15 Jul 2024 by RomanSoroka
Perga sp. (genus) (Sawfly or Spitfire) at Richardson, ACT - 15 Jul 2024 by RomanSoroka
Ranunculus repens (Creeping Buttercup) at Melrose - 8 Jul 2024 by JaneR
Crassula helmsii (Swamp Stonecrop) at Theodore, ACT - 6 Jul 2024 by JaneR
Typha domingensis (Bullrush) at Conder, ACT - 6 Jul 2024 by JaneR
Styphelia attenuata (Small-leaved Beard Heath) at Melrose - 6 Jul 2024 by JaneR
Styphelia attenuata (Small-leaved Beard Heath) at Melrose - 4 Jul 2024 by HarleyB
Cenchrus purpurascens (Swamp Foxtail) at Melrose - 26 Jan 2024 by Nina
Eutrichopidia latinus (Yellow-banded Day-moth) at Melrose - 23 Jan 2024 by RomanSoroka
Chrysonoma fascialis (A concealer moth) at Melrose - 23 Jan 2024 by RomanSoroka
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Melrose - 23 Jan 2024 by RomanSoroka
Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher) at Melrose - 23 Jan 2024 by RomanSoroka
Orthetrum caledonicum (Blue Skimmer) at Melrose - 23 Jan 2024 by RomanSoroka
Fimbristylis dichotoma (A Sedge) at Chisholm, ACT - 14 Jan 2024 by MichaelBedingfield
Osphranter robustus robustus (Eastern Wallaroo) at Melrose - 14 Jan 2024 by michaelb
Trapezites luteus (Yellow Ochre, Rare White-spot Skipper) at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Swainsona sp. at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Goodenia paradoxa (Spur Goodenia) at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Myiagra rubecula (Leaden Flycatcher) at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Urodacus manicatus (Black Rock Scorpion) at Melrose - 31 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius (Scotch Broom, Broom, English Broom) at Melrose - 29 Oct 2023 by dan.clark
Parentucellia latifolia (Red Bartsia) at Melrose - 29 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus (Australian Bindweed) at Melrose - 23 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Ischnura aurora (Aurora Bluetail) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by RomanSoroka
Anax papuensis (Australian Emperor) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by RomanSoroka
Hemicordulia tau (Tau Emerald) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by RomanSoroka
Harpobittacus australis (Hangingfly) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Austrolestes leda (Wandering Ringtail) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by RomanSoroka
Orthetrum caledonicum (Blue Skimmer) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by roman_soroka
Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher) at Melrose - 10 Oct 2023 by RomanSoroka
Austroargiolestes icteromelas (Common Flatwing) at Melrose - 2 Oct 2023 by Harrisi
Zizina otis (Common Grass-Blue) at Melrose - 13 May 2023 by roman_soroka
Wallabia bicolor (Swamp Wallaby) at Melrose - 8 Apr 2023 by Trevor
Castiarina crenata (Jewel beetle) at Melrose - 17 Feb 2023 by Harrisi
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Synthemis eustalacta (Swamp Tigertail) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Cassinia longifolia (Shiny Cassinia, Cauliflower Bush) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Austroargiolestes icteromelas (Common Flatwing) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Eryngium ovinum (Blue Devil) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Arthropodium fimbriatum (Nodding Chocolate Lily) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Ischnotoma (Ischnotoma) rubriventris (A crane fly) at Melrose - 18 Dec 2022 by roman_soroka
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Melrose - 27 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Melrose - 27 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Microtis unifolia (Common Onion Orchid) at Melrose - 27 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Utricularia dichotoma (Fairy Aprons, Purple Bladderwort) at Melrose - 25 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Isotoma fluviatilis subsp. australis (Swamp Isotome) at Melrose - 25 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Trapezites luteus (Yellow Ochre, Rare White-spot Skipper) at Melrose - 25 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) sp. (genus & subgenus) (Halictid bee) at Melrose - 25 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Plebs bradleyi (Enamelled spider) at Melrose - 25 Nov 2022 by roman_soroka
Diplacodes bipunctata (Wandering Percher) at Melrose - 17 Nov 2022 by RomanSoroka
Pimelea linifolia subsp. linifolia (Queen of the Bush, Slender Rice-flower) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Wurmbea dioica subsp. dioica (Early Nancy) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Acacia ulicifolia (Prickly Moses) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Indigofera australis subsp. australis (Australian Indigo) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Rosa rubiginosa (Sweet Briar, Eglantine) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Eucalyptus rossii (Inland Scribbly Gum) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Rumex acetosella (Sheep Sorrel) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Stypandra glauca (Nodding Blue Lily) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Kunzea parvifolia (Violet Kunzea) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Brachyloma daphnoides (Daphne Heath) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Dillwynia sericea (Egg And Bacon Peas) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Styphelia attenuata (Small-leaved Beard Heath) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus (Annual Daisy) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Melrose - 15 Oct 2022 by michaelb

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