Pseudolycopodium densum | 6 Mar 2016 | dcnicholls | ||
Pseudolycopodium densum | 6 Mar 2016 | MichaelMulvaney | ||
Lycopodium deuterodensum | 29 Feb 2016 | NickiTaws |
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MichaelMulvaney noted:
7 Mar 2016
Bushy Club Moss is largely a coastal species with a disjunct population in Namadgi - the only other record of this plant in the ACT, is a 2008 record by the Wednesday Walking Group. The two observations may be the same location.
Significant Plants Ferns and Clubmosses NickiTaws Canberra & Southern Tablelands NatureMaprSynonyms
Lycopodium deuterodensum