Googong Reservoir

Posted by AaronClausen

Page 2 of 3 - image sightings only

Scolopendromorpha (order) (A centipede) at Googong Reservoir - 14 Jun 2021 by Tapirlord
Lampropholis guichenoti (Common Garden Skink) at Googong Reservoir - 14 Jun 2021 by Tapirlord
Solanum cinereum (Narrawa Burr) at Googong Reservoir - 14 Jun 2021 by Tapirlord
Petrochelidon nigricans (Tree Martin) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Mar 2021 by RodDeb
Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Mar 2021 by RodDeb
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Mar 2021 by RodDeb
Pultenaea microphylla (Egg and Bacon Pea) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Oct 2020 by JaneR
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Googong Reservoir - 12 Sep 2020 by Christine
Utetheisa (genus) (A tiger moth) at Googong Reservoir - 12 Sep 2020 by Christine
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2020 by Alison Milton
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2020 by AlisonMilton
Sericornis frontalis (White-browed Scrubwren) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2020 by Alison Milton
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2020 by Alison Milton
Acanthiza reguloides (Buff-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2020 by Alison Milton
Anthus australis (Australian Pipit) at Googong Reservoir - 29 Jul 2020 by Ct1000
Aquila audax (Wedge-tailed Eagle) at Googong Reservoir - 18 Jul 2020 by Kym
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Simosyrphus grandicornis (Common hover fly) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Zizina otis (Common Grass-Blue) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Googong Reservoir - 15 May 2020 by RodDeb
Pyrrholaemus sagittatus (Speckled Warbler) at Googong Reservoir - 27 Apr 2020 by Lucylu243
Caligavis chrysops (Yellow-faced Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Platycercus eximius (Eastern Rosella) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Chlidonias hybrida (Whiskered Tern) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Petrochelidon nigricans (Tree Martin) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Dec 2019 by RodDeb
Aphelocephala leucopsis (Southern Whiteface) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Sturnus vulgaris (Common Starling) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Eopsaltria australis (Eastern Yellow Robin) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Platycercus elegans (Crimson Rosella) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Malurus cyaneus (Superb Fairywren) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (Yellow-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Acanthiza pusilla (Brown Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Petroica phoenicea (Flame Robin) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye) at Googong Reservoir - 12 May 2019 by RodDeb
Sus scrofa (Pig (feral)) at Googong Reservoir - 21 Apr 2019 by PeterR
Jalmenus icilius (Amethyst Hairstreak) at Googong Reservoir - 11 Mar 2019 by JohnBundock
Pachycephala rufiventris (Rufous Whistler) at Googong Reservoir - 11 Mar 2019 by JohnBundock
Phalaenoides tristifica (Willow-herb Day-moth) at Googong Reservoir - 11 Mar 2019 by JohnBundock
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Googong Reservoir - 11 Mar 2019 by JohnBundock
Phaps chalcoptera (Common Bronzewing) at Googong Reservoir - 30 Jan 2019 by b
Anthochaera carunculata (Red Wattlebird) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed-Warbler) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Anthus australis (Australian Pipit) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Pachycephala pectoralis (Golden Whistler) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Caligavis chrysops (Yellow-faced Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus (Dusky Woodswallow) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Himantopus leucocephalus (Pied Stilt) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Googong Reservoir - 24 Oct 2018 by RodDeb
Pardalotus striatus (Striated Pardalote) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Acanthiza pusilla (Brown Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Macropus giganteus (Eastern Grey Kangaroo) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Melichrus urceolatus (Urn Heath) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Ptilotula penicillata (White-plumed Honeyeater) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Neochmia temporalis (Red-browed Finch) at Googong Reservoir - 2 Aug 2018 by RodDeb
Petroica boodang (Scarlet Robin) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Acanthiza reguloides (Buff-rumped Thornbill) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Googong Reservoir - 17 Jul 2018 by RodDeb
Austrogomphus guerini (Yellow-striped Hunter) at Googong Reservoir - 25 Nov 2017 by roymcd
Diphlebia nymphoides (Arrowhead Rockmaster) at Urila, NSW - 13 Jan 2017 by MB
Stagonopleura guttata (Diamond Firetail) at Googong Reservoir - 11 Dec 2016 by roymcd
Acrocephalus australis (Australian Reed-Warbler) at Googong Reservoir - 10 Sep 2016 by roymcd
Daphoenositta chrysoptera (Varied Sittella) at Googong Reservoir - 10 Sep 2016 by roymcd
Eulamprus heatwolei (Yellow-bellied Water Skink) at Googong Reservoir - 3 Sep 2016 by roymcd
Ajuga australis (Austral Bugle) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Swainsona sericea (Silky Swainson-Pea) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Cullen microcephalum (Dusky Scurf-pea) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Orobanche minor (Broomrape) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Acaena x ovina (Sheep's Burr) at Googong Reservoir - 9 Nov 2014 by ClubFED
Tachyglossus aculeatus (Short-beaked Echidna) at Googong, NSW - 12 Oct 2012 by MB

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