Vespula germanica

European wasp at QPRC LGA

Vespula germanica at QPRC LGA - 7 Apr 2024
Vespula germanica at QPRC LGA - 7 Apr 2024
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Identification history

Vespula germanica 8 Apr 2024 MichaelBedingfield
Vespula germanica 7 Apr 2024 MatthewFrawley

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User's notes

Lots seen, possible nest located nearby, traps with lure put out to hopefully eradicate queens.

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Nearby sightings

Page 1 of 6 - image sightings only

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Asperula conferta (Common Woodruff) at Braidwood, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius (Scotch Broom, Broom, English Broom) at Braidwood, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Uperoleia laevigata (Smooth Toadlet) at Braidwood, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 11 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Ardices curvata (Crimson Tiger Moth) at Braidwood, NSW - 9 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Saproscincus mustelinus (Weasel Skink) at Braidwood, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Plebs bradleyi (Enamelled spider) at Braidwood, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Braidwood, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Petroica rosea (Rose Robin) at Braidwood, NSW - 25 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Colluricincla harmonica (Grey Shrikethrush) at Braidwood, NSW - 25 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Caligavis chrysops (Yellow-faced Honeyeater) at Braidwood, NSW - 24 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 23 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 23 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Uperoleia laevigata (Smooth Toadlet) at Braidwood, NSW - 21 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 21 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 19 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 17 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 17 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Braidwood, NSW - 17 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Elateridae sp. (family) (Unidentified click beetle) at Braidwood, NSW - 15 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie) at Braidwood, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) at Braidwood, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Spilopelia chinensis (Spotted Dove) at Braidwood, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Nesoptilotis leucotis (White-eared Honeyeater) at Braidwood, NSW - 9 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 6 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Braidwood, NSW - 4 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Acanthiza nana (Yellow Thornbill) at Braidwood, NSW - 4 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Braidwood, NSW - 4 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) at Braidwood, NSW - 2 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Passer domesticus (House Sparrow) at Braidwood, NSW - 2 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) at Braidwood, NSW - 1 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at Braidwood, NSW - 1 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Petroica rosea (Rose Robin) at Braidwood, NSW - 1 Aug 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 30 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 28 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 25 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 25 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Saproscincus mustelinus (Weasel Skink) at Braidwood, NSW - 19 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Crinia signifera (Common Eastern Froglet) at Braidwood, NSW - 19 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog) at Braidwood, NSW - 19 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 15 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Braidwood, NSW - 13 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Saproscincus mustelinus (Weasel Skink) at Braidwood, NSW - 12 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at Braidwood, NSW - 6 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Strepera graculina (Pied Currawong) at Braidwood, NSW - 6 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Alisterus scapularis (Australian King-Parrot) at Braidwood, NSW - 6 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 2 Jul 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 29 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 22 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Truncospora ochroleuca at QPRC LGA - 22 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at QPRC LGA - 22 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 22 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 16 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at QPRC LGA - 10 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at QPRC LGA - 10 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua sanguinea (Little Corella) at QPRC LGA - 9 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Passer domesticus (House Sparrow) at QPRC LGA - 1 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Caligavis chrysops (Yellow-faced Honeyeater) at QPRC LGA - 1 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus (Crescent Honeyeater) at QPRC LGA - 1 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Acridotheres tristis (Common Myna) at QPRC LGA - 1 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Strepera graculina (Pied Currawong) at QPRC LGA - 1 Jun 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie) at QPRC LGA - 14 May 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Thallarcha phalarota (Adorned Footman) at QPRC LGA - 14 May 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at QPRC LGA - 12 May 2024 by MatthewFrawley
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Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie) at QPRC LGA - 9 May 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Oxycanus dirempta (Variable Oxycanus) at QPRC LGA - 30 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Strepera graculina (Pied Currawong) at QPRC LGA - 30 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at QPRC LGA - 25 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Monomachus antipodalis (A parasitic wasp) at QPRC LGA - 25 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Boreoides subulatus (Wingless Soldier Fly) at QPRC LGA - 25 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Saproscincus mustelinus (Weasel Skink) at QPRC LGA - 25 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Cacatua galerita (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) at QPRC LGA - 23 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Saproscincus mustelinus (Weasel Skink) at QPRC LGA - 23 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Boreoides subulatus (Wingless Soldier Fly) at QPRC LGA - 20 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at QPRC LGA - 14 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Neosparassus patellatus (Tasmanian Badge Huntsman) at QPRC LGA - 14 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Oxycanus (genus) (Unidentified Oxycanus moths) at QPRC LGA - 13 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie) at QPRC LGA - 13 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Proteuxoa bistrigula (An Owlet Moth) at QPRC LGA - 13 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at QPRC LGA - 11 Apr 2024 by MatthewFrawley

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Location information

Sighting information

Additional information

  • 12mm to 25mm Animal size
  • Unknown Gender
  • Alive / healthy Animal health

Species information

Record quality

  • Overall Fit for scientific/research use
  • Images or audio
  • More than one media file
  • Verified by an expert moderator
  • Nearby sighting(s) of same species
  • GPS evidence of location
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  • Additional attributes
2,179,317 sightings of 20,707 species in 7,294 locations from 12,311 contributors
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