Hemicordulia tau

Tau Emerald at The Pinnacle

Hemicordulia tau at The Pinnacle - 29 Sep 2020
Hemicordulia tau at The Pinnacle - 29 Sep 2020
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Identification history

Hemicordulia tau 6 Mar 2024 HarveyPerkins
Hemicordulia tau 5 Mar 2024 KorinneM
Unidentified 5 Oct 2020 AlisonMilton

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KorinneM wrote:
   28 Jan 2024
Tempted to say it's a Tau Emerald, but with the odd positioning of the body, I really can't say.
HarveyPerkins wrote:
   6 Mar 2024
Very unusual angle as it is banking sharply and we're seeing it mainly from underneath. But the inverted T on the face (diagnostic), the colour of the eyes and the colour of the pterostigmata all indicate Tau Emerald.

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Nearby sightings

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Anax papuensis (Australian Emperor) at Holt, ACT - 5 Mar 2021 by AlisonMilton
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Location information

Sighting information

  • 1 Abundance
  • 29 Sep 2020 12:44 PM Recorded on
  • AlisonMilton Recorded by

Additional information

  • 50mm or larger Animal size

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  • More than one media file
  • Verified by an expert moderator
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