Laetiporus portentosus | 12 Aug 2020 | Heino1 | ||
Laetiporus portentosus | 11 Aug 2020 | Caric |
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Fungi Shelf-like to hoof-like & usually on wood Pored or somewhat maze-like on underside [bracket polypores] Caric Canberra & Southern Tablelands NatureMaprSynonyms
Piptoporus eucalyptorum (Fr.) Warcup, Ecology Forests Woodlands South Australia: 131 (1986) Piptoporus portentosus (Berk.) G. Cunn., Bull. N.Z. Dept. Sci. Industr. Res., Pl. Dis. Div. 164: 106 (1965) Piptoporus eucalyptorum Piptoporus portentosus