Monteagle Cemetery is one of the last remaining original patches of Grassy Whitebox woodland in New South Wales and is protected by a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. The rare and valuable remnant of grassy box woodland contained in this cemetery is unusual because like most of the woodlands, it has rarely been grazed by sheep and cattle. Although it is only small (4ha) and many of its trees have been cleared, it has some of the highest quality native understorey remaining in New South Wales. The grassy understorey is dominated by kangaroo grass (Themeda australis) and snow grass (Poa sieberiana), with many native herbs and windflowers growing between the grasses. (Adapted from:
Hi All,We discovered some issues affecting new user registration via the mobile app today:SymptomsWhen attempting to register, you may unexpectedly receive an unhelpful "web service error" message.Wor...
NatureMapr partners with NSW BCT on next phase of Land Libraries