There is variety in the leftover cap-on-a-stem fruitbodies (i.e. those which lack gills, pores and teeth). However, not all of the leftovers will be included here since it is more logical to place some in other groups, as follows:
Cap disk-like to cup-like ..... go to Disk-like/cup-like fungi
Cap contains a mass of powdery spores ..... go to Other puffballs
There are many small chambers within the cap ..... go to Truffles
The fruitbody has a jelly-like texture ..... go to Other fungi on wood/jelly-like
Remember that a cap has to be sharply differentiated from (and markedly wider than) the supporting stem. In some fungi the fruit body tapers gradually but with no such sharp differentiation or might have a slightly swollen upper part. Look for those in the Club or stalk category.
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